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Community Empowered Research

Improving the Wellbeing of Arab and MENA Communities
Making Research Relevant to Communities
Facilitating and Sharing Research
Adopting an Interdisciplinary Approach

Who We Are?

The Center for Arab Narratives (CAN) is a new institution of ACCESS, the largest Arab American community non-profit in the country. CAN launched in 2021 and offers an interdisciplinary approach to improving the wellbeing of Arab American communities, by facilitating and sharing community-empowered research.
Center Arab Narrative Team Representation

What We Do?

Recognize the vital role of the community in shaping research

Bridge perspectives from humanities and public health

Pursue high quality, accurate, and representative data on Arab and MENA populations

Make research relevant beyond academic walls

Build, convene, and maintain interdisciplinary research networks, including our nationalcohort of scholarly Affiliates

Offer research-based informed perspectives on the Arab American experience to media,policymakers, community groups, and other audiences

Featured Narratives

We bring cutting-edge research to the Arab and MENA communities through our growing web platforms. We partner researchers with the community to advance scholarship. We make research accessible to everyone.