For Researchers

Research Proposal Submissions

As an institution that serves a diverse community, CAN is frequently invited to participate in research projects. The types of research projects that CAN participates in include needs assessments, survey assistance, program evaluation, population studies, focus groups, and among other types. CAN receives more requests for research assistance than staff can accommodate, and this form serves as a tool to organize requests and identify where we can best assist.

Please be advised, the research intake process can take anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks from the time of submission of the research request form. CAN's Community Research Review Board (CRRB) convenes monthly to review research requests. If your request is more immediate, please make that known in your submission. Depending on the phase of your research project, your request may not be approved.

To that end, individuals and research teams interested in having your research project facilitated by CAN must adhere to the following guidelines:

1. All research requests, be it short- or long-term, must be registered on our Research Request Form. For access to the research request form please email [email protected]

2. All research conducted will acknowledge and/or credit CAN's role and include CAN as a co-investigator wherever appropriate. CAN will identify staff members to be listed on specific projects/studies.

3. CAN will give preference to projects where CAN/ACCESS staff are involved in the development of the research plan.

4. All student-led research should be conducted under the supervision of a university faculty member. University faculty members should be listed on the request form and need to be available for follow up by CAN.

5. Proposed projects will have to receive appropriate approval from the host Institution's Internal Review Board (IRB). We strongly suggest completing this form when you submit your IRB or have already received IRB approval. For long-term projects that require specific staff time, please consult with CAN to include specific CAN/ACCESS staff on your IRB. Any CAN/ACCESS staff identified will provide all necessary paperwork needed to complete the IRB process.

6. Currently, CAN prioritizes research projects that can lead to long-term and positive impacts on the communities that we serve.

CRRB – Community Research Review Board

What is the Community Research Review Board (CRRB)

1. A community-based forum, housed within CAN, that reviews and evaluates research coordinated by ACCESS, to ensure community empowered research

2. Interdisciplinary, community-driven conversation about MENA research that supports and informs the ongoing national dialogue about our community’s representation.

CRRB meets once a month, all research projects presented at CRRB are finalized one week prior to the meeting


Everything you need to know on how to participate. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for?

Where can I find the research request form?
For access to the research request form please email [email protected]
I filled out the research request form, now what?
A member of the CAN team will set up a meeting to discuss your project in detail. We ask thatyou provide materials pertaining to your project ahead of this meeting.
What materials should I have prepared for my meeting with CAN?
Materials should include
(a) Proposal for project
(b) IRB materials
(c) Questionnaires/ consent forms for project
(d) Any materials relevant to project
What happens after I submit all my materials to the CAN team?
Please be advised, the research intake process can take anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks from the time ofsubmission of the research request form. ACCESS Community Research Review Board (CRRB), acommittee within the Center for Arab Narratives (CAN), convenes monthly to review research requests.If your request is more immediate, please make that known in your submission. Depending on the phaseof your research project, your request may not be approved.

Contact us

Please fill out the contact form below, and one of our dedicated team members will get back to you as soon as possible. We value your perspective and thank you for taking the time to reach out to us.

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